Illinois People’s Action (IPA) is a progressive, multi-issue faith and community organization in downstate Illinois. Our mission is to empower everyday people to become true partners in the decision-making process on justice issues affecting their communities, state and ultimately the nation as a whole. We organize to address the causes of injustice and not just its symptoms.
We were founded as an institutional-membership organization in 1996 as the Central Illinois Organizing Project. In 2010, we changed our name to Illinois People’s Action and opened membership to individuals. We have members as far north as Rockford and as far south as Johnson County. You do not have to be a religious person to get involved. Our headquarters is in Bloomington, IL.
We are founding members of Fair Economy Illinois which is a statewide coalition formed to pass progressive legislation in the state, Illinois Green New Deal coalition, the Illinois Coalition Against Fracking, and the Keeping Families Together Coalition. Our national organizing network is People’s Action Institute.

Don Carlson
Executive Director. Founding staff IPA 1996 - present
Don Carlson has over 43 years of community organizing experience, including founding staff and executive director of IPA (1996- present), Philadelphia (Regional Council Neighborhood Organizations, 1989-1996) and Iowa (Des Moines CCI; Director 1985-1989, Staff Organizer 1980-1985). Responsibilities include oversight of all IPA staff and organizing campaigns, leadership development, and organizational development and fundraising. In this capacity, he provides leadership training to IPA member congregations and affiliates and organizing and grant fundraising technical assistance to IPA member groups and issue coalition groups across central Illinois. He has served on the Board of Directors for our national affiliate, People’s Action Institute.

Ava Traverso
Equitable Climate and Clean Energy Policy Fellow November 2023 - present
Ava is the Equitable Climate and Clean Energy Policy Fellow. She graduated in 2021 from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, majoring in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences with a minor in Political Science. She previously worked in Idaho Energy Policy before coming to IPA. Ava works on our Stop Carbon Capture and Sequestration Campaign and also with the Illinois Climate Bank. A fun fact about her is that she adopted her brother's fraternity cat.

Emily Jacobson
Communications Staff November 2023 - present
Emily works as the communications staff member for all IPA campaigns. She graduated in 2021 from Augustana College in Rock Island, majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in Political Science. She has been a leader with IPA since 2020, and did an AmeriCorps placement with the Conservation Trust for North Carolina at Montreat College in Asheville, NC. A fun fact about her is that she can play three instruments.

Kayla McGhee
Community Organizer August 2024 - present
Kayla is the Climate and Environmental Justice Organizer. She graduated in 2021 from Jacksonville University in Jacksonville FL, majoring in Sustainability and Geography with minors in Management and GIS. Kayla works on our Stop Carbon Capture and Sequestration Campaign.

Lawrence Holmes
Community Organizer August 2024 - present
Lawrence works as an organizer for our Illinois Climate Bank work. He is is a U.S Army Veteran. He graduated in 2018 from Hampton University in Virginia, majoring in Political Science. He previously worked as a Policy and Budget Analyst for the Illinois Senate Democrats. A Fun Fact about him is that he has eight siblings.
Michele Blatzheim
Community Organizer January 2025 - present
Michele Blatzheim is a Climate and Environmental Justice Organizer. She received her Master's Degree in Cultural Anthropology from Illinois State University in 2024 and previously worked as a domestic violence advocate. Michele got her start organizing while volunteering for and conducting research about Illinois People's Action during her undergraduate studies in 2015-2016. A fun fact about her is that she loves rescue animals, especially her dog Stella.
Board of Directors

Rev. Tony Pierce
Reverend Pierce is an African American national leader in spearheading faith-based community economic development benefitting low-income and minority neighborhoods. In 2010 as part of IPA he met with the Federal Reserve Board, the White House and Bank of America executives regarding the strategy for achieving this. IPA’s Board President, Rev. Pierce is the co-pastor of Heaven’s View Christian Fellowship, an IPA multi-racial, inner-city congregation. In 2017, he testified at federal EPA hearings on the Clean Power Plan. In 2020, he became part of the negotiating team on CEJA at the state level, attending meetings with the Governor’s staff. He is a recipient of one of three state grants in renewable energy/job training for ex-offender community solar power pilot project.

Cristina Deutsch
Originally from Cochabamba, Bolivia, Cristina is a founding Board member of The Immigration Project and long-time member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Bloomington, both of which are allies/members of IPA. Cristina is also active in the Crusillo movement in Peoria Catholic Diocese. Cristina was a key leader in the IPA Welcoming City campaign, the Driver’s License campaign and earlier work reimbursing unpaid wages to dozens of undocumented hotel workers. Latina.

Annette McMichael
Board Member
Annette is a key climate justice leader who co-led the statewide fight against fracking in Illinois
2012-2014 resulting in 50,000 citizen comments to the state, and current leader in the stop-CO2
pipelines and sequestration campaign. She recently retired from her media and public relations small business and resides in rural Illinois.

Jonah Rubin
Board Member
Jonah is a primary climate justice leader, residing in Galesburg in west-central Illinois. He is an
anthropology professor at Knox College and an officer at Temple Shalom. Jonah led the State
Fair public action in 2021 with Governor Pritzker securing his support of the Climate and
Equitable Jobs Act.
Reverend Tyson Parks
Board Member
Reverend Parks is the recently retired Presiding Elder of the Illinois-north district of the AME
church representing 47 AME congregations across Illinois and Iowa. He is a long-time leader in
IPA and Danville’s disadvantaged community (identified as one of the worst cities in the nation
for Blacks), chair of the local community action agency and past president of the Danville
NAACP chapter.

Paul and Verlyn Rosenberger
Board Emeritus
Long-time IPA leaders in IPA’s predatory lending and environmental justice campaigns, Paul and Verlyn became members through their congregation, First Presbyterian Church of Decatur. Verlyn is a member of the congregation’s peacemaking committee. Verlyn is a retired public school teacher and Paul is a retired staff engineer. Active in their community, are officers in the Audubon Society, Verlyn is a Master Gardener and is the president of her neighborhood organization. Paul uses a wheelchair due to Guillain Barre Syndrome.

Rev. Alphonso Lyons
Board Emeritus
Rev. Lyons is no longer with us. He was Senior Pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist church, an African American congregation located in a low-income, community-of-color Peoria neighborhood. Rev. Lyons was a leader on the Peoria environmental justice team, which grew out of his congregation. Many of his congregants suffer from health issues due to proximity to a coal burning power plant. He was the founder of METEC (Mt. Zion’s Effort to Equip the Community) which IPA worked with during the 2008 foreclosure crisis. He was a Bradley graduate (1971) and held a Masters in Education Administration (Bradley, 1986).
Where We Organize
IPA is currently active in:
Johnson County